Product Description
Trusted Clean 'Film Off' is an extremely popular multi-use cleaner. It is both a rinse and a neutralizer that can remove that stubborn ice melt residue haze, as well as neutralize a floor after stripping the old floor finish off.
Upon completion of stripping your floor, or to clean salt/ice melt residue off of your floor, simply mix 1 to 2 ounces of 'Film Off' per gallon of hot water in a clean container. Then begin to rinse your floor with the floor film neutralizer in the normal manner using your standard mopping procedure. It can also be used in an automatic floor scrubber to clean the area. This will help to remove that white alkaline film, as well as neutralize the floor.
During the stripping process, after applying and removing the neutralizer solution, you'll then need to allow the floor to dry completely. Once completely dry, you can then apply your floor finish of choice.
The white alkaline film left on floors after stripping, or after using ice melting compounds can prevent floor seals and finishes from adhering properly. Ice melting compounds can also dull and damage your floor finish. Film Off can restore colors and neutralize the floor surface to insure maximum performance from your floor finish. To neutralize ice melt residue, dilute 2 ounces per gallon of water and mop floor with a clean mop, or scrub with an automatic scrubber. If you are mopping, make sure to change water frequently.
Damp mop, bonnet clean, or spray and wipe.- For Normal Cleaning / Neutralizing - Dilute 1 - 2 oz. of product per gallon of water.
- For Removal of Salt / Ice Melt - Dilute 3 oz. of product per gallon of water.
Quick Overview
- Removes & neutralizes floor film
- 2.5 gallon pouch
- Eliminates ice melt residue